English presentation


A range of original and natural dietary supplements for women, to prevent or reduce some of the discomforts that may occur during their life cycle.

Women, much more than men, have a physiological evolution of advantage marked by cyclic hormonal changes. Thus, at the end of puberty the menstrual cycle appears; at the time of their pregnancy certain hormones stop to resume after childbirth; then comes menopause with the cessation of certain hormones; in the latter part of their life cycle, it is the disorders related to a lesser resistance, after a disease or simply due to the advance in age that can be felt. On the physical and/or psychological level, a lack of certain protein and/or hormonal syntheses or simply nutritional deficiencies in trace elements and/or vitamins can be the cause of a lower quality of life.

The research company DELIS R&D, was created to develop and provide women with natural dietary supplements, including plant extracts, vitamins and amino acids, in order to take charge and provide assistance during a certain period of life.
The DELIS Laboratory Dietary Supplements have been developed by a Doctor of Pharmacy with specialists in pharmacognosy , nutraceutical and toxicology.
They are manufactured and controlled in France in factories certified to the applicable regulatory standards.

These Supplements have been the subject of websites that allow to have most of the necessary information for their use and precautions of use. They can be ordered directly on their websites to receive them in a few days at home.

They are also available in Pharmacy on request of the pharmacist from CSP/MOVIANTO our depositary on : 0033 (0)134075000

Our supplements


Phytocyclan® prevents and relieves the discomfort that can occur in about 15% to 20% of women before the menstrual cycle, known as premenstrual syndrome. They are mastodynia, abdominal swelling, excessive irritability and fluid retention with weight gain (3 to 5 kg sometimes) during the 8 before menstruation.

These discomforts seem to be related to an excess of oestrogen or a lower progesterone synthesis. Phytocyclan® contains an extract of Vitex agnus castus, the anti-estrogenic effect of which is recognized by many studies. In addition, Phytocyclan® includes Hibiscus sabdarifa, known for its diuretic effect that will reduce water retention and prevent weight gain, and Melissa officinale to calm excessive irritation and anxiety.

A clinical survey conducted in France by 20 gynaecologists on 103 women suffering from Premenstrual Syndrome showed that following the symptoms taking Phytocyclan for 3 months, resulted in a reduction in symptoms in 72% of cases.


Phytocyclan® prevents and relieves the discomfort that can occur in about 15% to 20% of women before the menstrual cycle, known as premenstrual syndrome. They are mastodynia, abdominal swelling, excessive irritability and fluid retention with weight gain (3 to 5 kg sometimes) during the 8 before menstruation.

These discomforts seem to be related to an excess of oestrogen or a lower progesterone synthesis. Phytocyclan® contains an extract of Vitex agnus castus, the anti-estrogenic effect of which is recognized by many studies. In addition, Phytocyclan® includes Hibiscus sabdarifa, known for its diuretic effect that will reduce water retention and prevent weight gain, and Melissa officinale to calm excessive irritation and anxiety.

A clinical survey conducted in France by 20 gynaecologists on 103 women suffering from Premenstrual Syndrome showed that following the symptoms taking Phytocyclan for 3 months, resulted in a reduction in symptoms in 72% of cases.

Menocyclan for a serene menopause and preserving bone capital!

Menocyclan® is for women who experience hot flashes, palpitations, daytime or night sweats during premenopausal and menopause. The extracts of certain plants such as Salvia officinalis and Vitex agnus castus bring relief to these discomforts including hot flashes and excessive sweats. In addition, with the hormonal changes associated with this period, the risk of starting or worsening osteoporosis is increased.

Therefore, in Menocyclan®, in addition to herbal extracts for the symptom problems described above, calcium and vitamin D3 have been added. The combination of the management of discomforts like hot flashes, palpitations and hyper sweats and the prevention of osteoporosis are an original and interesting complement.

Endocyclan undergo less disorders of the intimate mucosa.

Endocyclan® is designed to improve the quality of life of women with problems that originate in the uterine lining or endometrium. Endocyclan® contains plant extracts, including Salvia miltiorrhiza extracts, which are known to have beneficial effects on the intimate mucosa or endometrium. A recent study has shown that endometriosis develops less after surgery, by administering a product combining this extract with other ingredients.

This supplement combines with this Red Sage root extract (Salvia miltiorrhiza) an extract of Vitex agnus castus recognized for these anti-estrogenic properties. Excess oestrogen would be one of the main causes of menstrual pain and could contribute to damage of the intimate mucosa These disorders are usually accompanied by headaches and pelvic pain. The extract of Great Chamomile (Tanacetum parthenium) is recognized in the prevention of these discomforts and to contribute to mental relaxation.

Finally, anti-free radicals or antioxidants such as Vitamin E, Vitamin B3 and Vitamin B6 complete the protective action of the uterine and endometrial mucosa.

Vitacyclan anti-aging to regain vitality, strength and beauty.

Vitacyclan® is a very complete anti-aging dietary supplement containing 2 plant extracts (Ginko biloba, Horsetail), 2 vitamins (calcium ascorbate, Vitamin D3) and an energy complex (arginine-malic acid). It is intended to recover, maintain or reinforce the psychological and physical discomforts that may occur in the face of excessive exertion during the life cycle, after a tiring illness or simply due to advancing age.

The extract of Ginko biloba, a thousand-year-old tree of great longevity and resistance, helps to maintain and improve cognitive functions, It protects and improves the peripheral blood circulation which is particularly useful for maintaining good vision and hearing. Horsetail extract (Equisetum arvense) by its silicon content, participates in the bond between collagen and proteoglycans. The tissues that contain the most silicon are hair, nails, skin and bones. His association with vitamin D3 showed a contribution to the maintenance of articular cartilage. Calcium ascorbate, Vitamin C salt, helps reduce fatigue and the normal functioning of the nervous system. Vitamin C stimulates the synthesis of collagen, a protein essential for the proper functioning of joints. Collagen is also involved in the elasticity of the skin and contributes to a good consistency of hair and nails. Arginine plays a crucial role in energy metabolism through its participation in the synthesis of creatine; this protein determines the synthesis of ATP or adenosine triphosphate. ATP is the body’s most important energy-carrying molecule. It contributes in particular to the needs of muscular energy and strength but also overall to the maintenance of the energy necessary for the main vital functions. Malic acid strengthens the action of arginine for its role in the Krebs cycle, which is essential for cellular energy metabolism. Vitamin D3 or cholecalciferol not only contributes to a better absorption of calcium and to the preservation of bone capital but also to the maintenance of good muscle function.

Vitacyclan® brings together in an original and unique nutraceutical formula the main natural elements that contribute to restoring or maintaining vitality, strength and beauty.